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Ibryo Recruiting Firm employs a highly systematic approach that is inclusive, rapid, and exceptionally productive. Our recruitment methodology has been carefully refined during the course of numerous engagements and has proven to be amongst the most productive in the executive search sector.

Initial Analysis: The process begins with the development of an abstract of the client firm. This allows us to fully comprehend the following essential components: applicable revenue model, products and market position, organizational structure/culture, and unique aspects of the company which will allow us to convey your message with clarity and conviction.

Positive Profile: We formulate an in-depth template that provides a clear understanding of the type of individual you are seeking. Locating the right person is an uncertain proposition at best without an appropriate guide, thus we take great care to ensure that we have all necessary information regarding the position itself, and the type of candidate who will excel in the role.

Search Strategy: Successful identification of exceptional talent requires active investigation and direct recruitment. Accordingly, we start by identifying a group of organizations that are likely to employ individuals who possess the necessary skills and experience required by the client. We augment this list by utilizing additional resources including extensive contacts within the industry, immediate knowledge, and aggressively optimized research and contact capabilities. Clients are provided with regular updates regarding the status of the search.

Candidate Evaluation: Ibryo Recruiting Firm carefully screens and qualifies all potential candidates to assess their qualifications, potential to perform within the new environment, and organizational compatibility. We present to the employer a select group of individuals (and supplemental analyses for each candidate) who have been chosen for their clear ability to succeed in that particular arena.

Interviews: We make certain that both clients and candidates are fully briefed prior to their discussions. In order to ensure a high degree of continuity, Ibryo Recruiting Firm coordinates all arrangements as required. Post-interview debriefings are conducted to evaluate levels of interest. The resultant data is used to formulate subsequent action.

Offer: Our strong experience in this stage of the process allows us to effectively and rapidly negotiate all components of the proffered contract. All pertinent issues, including compensation, career progression, and all others deemed essential are addressed in a coordinated, professional manner that results in a highly amenable agreement for both parties.

Our service extends well beyond the finalized deal. We stay in close contact with all parties during the transition period to address any potential difficulties that may arise. Additionally, we check in with the client and candidate on a periodic basis to make certain that things have progressed accordingly and, most importantly, solidify our relationship with each individual.